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Kronborg Slot


Nr. 10a, 2 sal

3000 Helsingør




We have gathered all the details and information you need to know when attending the training

Certified Corporate Storyteller.

Become a CCS- a Master Storyteller!

Tilmeld dig

Kronborg Slot


Nr. 10a, 2 sal

3000 Helsingør


The main hall, Egelund Slot

The currency of the future is concentrated presence. The more 'high tech' we become - the more 'low tech' we need - so it pays to leave the surface and dig deep.

Anja Klemp Vilgaard

Get ajour ApS

Fremtidens valuta - hedder koncentreret nærvær. Jo mere ‘high tech’ vi bliver - jo mere ‘low tech’ har vi brug for - derfor betaler det sig at forlade overfladen og dykke ned i dybden.

Anja Klemp Vilgaard

Get ajour ApS

When and where ?

The training takes place at Kronborg Castle in Elsinore and Egelund Castle in Fredensborg, plus online sessions inbetween the modules.

Below you find an overview of the training modules, dates and addresses. The programme runs over a period of 6 months. It is divided into 6 modules with scheduled online and face-to-face training. If you have any questions or want to know more, don't hesitate to contact us: info@getajour.dk

Module 1: the foundation

starts 21 November 2024 9.00 AM at Egelund Castle.

Ends 22 November 2024 4.00 PM


We start your 5-hour personalised storycoaching with an hour of sparring and exercises for your daily management. This allows you to try out the storytelling tools in real life before the next module begins.

Online or in person at Get Ajour ApS

according to agreement. 

Module 3: the training field i

DAY 1 starts 6 January 2025, 9.00 AM

HamletScenen, Kronborg

ENDS 6. January 2025 5.00 PM

DAY 2 starts 7 January 2025, 9.00 AM

Get Ajour ApS, Kronborg

ENDS 7 January 2025 4.00 PM

MODULe 4: Case study

Teams meeting with designated case company. You will be asked to solve a specific task assigned by the case company. To be agreed individually.

Participating case companies: 

·     Danica Pension

·     Veolia Water Technologies AB

·     Billund Airport

·     Arbejdstilsynet (Guest, Module 1)

·     The Danish Home Guard (Guest, Module 1)

·     PA (Guest, Module 1)

Online by appointment

ModulE 5: THE training field II

starts 6 March 2025, 9.00 AM

HamletScenen | Kronborg Slot nr. 16

ENDS 6 March 2025, 4.00 PM

Module 6: Certification

STARTS 10 April 2025, 10.00 AM

at Egelund Slot.

Ends with awarding of certificates

11 April 2025 10-11.00 AM

Tilmeld dig

Kronborg Slot


Nr. 10a, 2 sal

3000 Helsingør
